Transformational coaching that brings courage, wisdom, resourcefulness, and balance into leadership and life.

“I started working with Jayson during a time where I knew I wanted to make a significant job change, but I didn't know how to proceed in a way that would help me feel confident and at peace with my decision.

Jayson guided me through new ways of thinking and new daily practices that not only helped me work through my issues and hangups, but opened my mind to new possibilities. Ultimately my path led in an unexpected direction that wouldn't have been possible without the time I spent with Jayson, and the tools he helped me develop will be useful throughout my lifetime.”

— M.H., Google VP

Coaching & Facilitation Services

  • Executive Coaching

    I work one-on-one with executives and courageous leaders using a pure coaching model or a coach/mentor hybrid, as well as with groups via peer-coaching circles..

  • Enneagram

    Your Enneagram-type determines how you see reality. I can help unpack the mystery for better self-awareness and understanding of others, leading to stronger teams and healthier relationships.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Whether its emerging leaders or seasoned executives, we all need strengthen our emotional intelligence. I work with individuals and groups to explain E.I., share practices that to improve it, and design interactive sessions to develop skills.

  • Facilitation

    I have in-depth experience helping teams get unstuck through discussing team dynamics, addressing conflict with skill and grace, or how to work more effectively.

“Working with Jayson was life-changing, and I say that without a shred of exaggeration. He is the best listener I have come across at this stage of my career. In every conversation, I felt heard, seen, and unconditionally supported. He would challenge me in a compassionate and constructive way, push me to think bigger, and make me feel like the genius who just solved my own problem, when in fact, his careful facilitation helped lead me to those solutions.

Jayson understands that people – and leaders more so –do better when they bring their whole selves to work. At a time when I was wrestling with parts of my identity I could not control and had lost a great deal of confidence in myself, he helped me restore pride in my abilities in a way that felt authentic and enduring.”

— Founder & CEO of Two Successful Social Impact Organizations

Some Individuals & Organizations I’ve Worked With

"Jayson brings a warm presence and cares deeply about his clients. His ability to hold a non-judgmental space was critical to my healing. Most of all, his generosity and compassion has left a lasting impact on me."

— N.P., Manager at a International NGO
