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What Brought Me to Coaching

My coaching work is the conceptualization of several decades of my personal and professional growth.

I have been fortunate to walk a rich and varied career path: from starting out in investment banking to helping to scale one of the fastest-growing international educational nonprofits on record, to working with incredible social entrepreneur-led organizations creating global change and with organizations seeking to support inner work and the evolution of human consciousness. Along the way, I have worked in the trenches in resource-constrained environments, spent three years solo backpacking around the world, juggled 11 direct reports while leading a team of 30, supported leaders through professional and personal challenges, and learned from my own challenges and obstacles, including overcoming neuro-adrenal fatigue, sleep issues, and rampant anxiety.

In parallel, I have had a personal passion for the development of self and others for several decades. I discovered Vipassana meditation in 2004, which anchors my spiritual practice, and I've studied mindfulness, nutrition, healthy communication, alternative healing, and other development/spiritual modalities since then.

Integral coaching is a deep marrying of my professional and personal worlds and one that I am excited to pursue with those who are committed to their own growth.


Georgetown University
BS in Business Administration – 1998

New Ventures West 
Certified Integral Coach – 2019
Coaching Circles Facilitator – 2021

International Coaching Federation
ACC Certified Coach2020
PCC Certified Coach2022

Aletheia Coaching Methodology
Level 1 – 2020
Level 2 – 2020/21

Integrative Enneagram Solutions iEQ9
Accredited Enneagram Practitioner –2022
Enneagram for Teams – 2023

CP Enneagram Institute
Certified Enneagram Coach - 2023
Developing Powerful Enneagram Skills – 2020
Providing Effective Enneagram Solutions
(typing & assessing) – 2022

Enneagram Prison Project
9 Prisons One Key – 2020

Racial Healing Allies
Racial Healing Allies Workshop – 2020

Education for Racial Equity
Fdns. for Somatic Abolitionism – 2022, 23
Reparative Communal Consultations for
White Bodies – 2022-23 (ongoing)

Strozzi Institute
Embodied Leadership Core – 2020/21
Embodied Transformation – 2021
Somatic Body Work – 2021
Somatics, Trauma & Resilience – 2021

Hendricks Institute
Evolutionary Playground – 2023
Body Intelligence – 2023

Coaches Rising
Inside Coaching – 2020
Re-Imagine Leadership – 2023/24

Professional Background

I leverage 20+ years of experience in corporate, nonprofit, & philanthropic sectors, combined with a deep commitment to personal development, to empower my clients and guide them toward achieving new levels of growth. Throughout my career, I  have thrived in various roles, from the fast-paced world of investment banking to helping to scale Room to Read, one of the fastest-growing international nonprofits in history, to early stage social impact investing.

As an Executive Coach, I combine my extensive experience with a wide range of coaching modalities. I hold certifications as an ICF Professional Certified Coach and a certified integral coach with New Ventures West. I am dually certified in the Enneagram personality-type tool with two world-renown Enneagram programs and have received training in somatics (body-based intelligence) for leaders, presence-based coaching, and embodied racial equity.

I also design & facilitate team workshops on topics such as the Enneagram for team effectiveness; emotional intelligence; navigating difficult conversations; and power & privilege. I coach rising nonprofit talent through a 14-week fellowship program; am a Board Member of a rapidly growing global health organization, Muso; faculty at New Ventures West; and a coach with the Women’s Impact Alliance.

Venture Philanthropy Provides the Seeds for Coaching

Prior to this most recent chapter, I humbly oversaw the Peery Foundation’s two portfolios of social entrepreneur-led organizations. I provided relationship management and thought partnership on fundraising, organizational strategy and growth, operations, and monitoring & evaluation to nearly 40 dynamic, fast-growing nonprofits. It was during my time at the Peery Foundation when the seed of coaching began to germinate – where asking “how are you?” to incredibly passionate, visionary, and exhausted Founders felt like a rhetorical question that I yearned to get underneath and really support.

A Decade in International Development… and the Stresses it Comes With

Before joining Peery, I spent a decade raising money and contributing to the strategic leadership of several international organizations. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to be a key part of scaling Room to Read, a leading global educational nonprofit, to grow from $5million to over $40million in seven years. Towards the end, I oversaw a team of 30+ individuals and a budget of over $40 million as the Deputy/Acting Chief Development Officer. I also watched many dear colleagues struggle to balance the passion for building an incredible organization that was impacting millions of young lives with the strains of fast growth, competing demands, and severely limited resources. I witnessed many talented people finally break and leave the organization, until the day when I realized that it was my turn to leave to heal from neuro-adrenal fatigue and the dark hole that it had begun to create in my life.  

I was fortunate to dig myself out over the span of three years, along the way discovering new insights on spiritual growth, wellness, balance, vulnerability, and authentic leadership – all of which contribute to my coaching support.