WITHINSIGHT Coaching, as with life, has multiple layers of meaning, depending on where you are:

With Insight - The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.

 Our work together will be through a vertical coaching model designed to help facilitate change at a deeper level.

The goal is to deepen your understanding of self and create more inner resourcing so that you can address the challenge (or opportunity) at hand as well as those that inevitably will come in the future.  

I base much of this on my training from New Ventures West, Aletheia, and the Enneagram personality type mapping philosophy.

“Horizontal improvement means we become more skillful: we make fewer errors and are more efficient. For instance, we get the presentation together faster, with more clear bullet points, but as persons we are little changed. Vertical development means that we become more present, are less reactive, have more connection to ourselves and others, have a longer time horizon and therefore more patience, and have more courage and much, much less attachment to our views, preferences and habits. We can respond with more freedom and creativity.” – New Ventures West

Within Sight – can be seen from a certain place; close to the ‘destination’

Change starts from day 1. You will be invited and supported in looking at yourself from new perspectives.

Often clients start to see tendencies and new possibilities from the initial intake session. From there, we invite in new practices to explore and embody new possibilities.

Each step takes the client further into their own unfolding (note that I do not say ‘each step takes the client closer destination’ because one of the lessons is that the destination is a mirage… it’s the progress on the journey that ends up becoming the goal.)

"The journey of a thousand miles
with one step."
Lao Tzu

The integral coaching approach meets the client exactly where and how they are in the moment, with compassion and without judgment. From that grounded place, even the most complex situations will become clearer, and the way forward will start to unfold. From there, we work together to figure out how to take the next step. Step by step, we progress in life.

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path.
Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”
John Irving

With — co-created together
In — inwardly focused
Sight – the key sense we use to literally & figuratively make sense of our world

Each word itself encapsulates a key component of the coaching work.

WITH – This work is co-creative – it is a synergistic, connected dance between client and coach. As coach, I will help point to new ways of being in the world, I will support and encourage you, and I will help you translate what is starting to emerge to deepen your understanding. AND, you have to be the one to walk the path, do the work, search inside for what is coming up and what is true.

“Look inside yourself for the answers – you’re the only one who knows what is best for you. Everybody else (including your coach) is only guessing.”
Charles de Lint

IN – The work is always inward first, and only then can it be extended outward through right action. Thus, our coaching work is a non-judgmental, compassionate way of examining ourselves, our perceptions, our desires, our fixations to better understand ourselves and what the next step should be.

“The only way out is through” – JK Rowling

SIGHT– Sight is just one of the core six senses. Our work will involve tapping into the five senses and our sixth sense, intuition, to go beyond the habitual patterns of our mind, build new neural pathways and habits in order to deepen our growth.

“Light comes through the senses, and not only through the sense of sight.
When you see without feeling, you are still partly blind; you lack the inner light that brings awareness.
Awareness requires the interplay of every faculty, the use of your entire being as an eye. “ 
– Charles Lindbergh