Executive Coaching

Our coaching partnership can take several different forms, depending on your needs and constraints. In most cases, a coaching partnership is a multi-month engagement that will include an extended intake session, a tailored coaching plan, and roughly 10 semi-monthly coaching sessions. However, some clients prefer less structure, so we forgo the intake and plan, and instead work with whatever is showing up in the moment. As part of the coaching, you will be invited to try some new practices and self-observation exercises that fit your schedule.

Clients can expect some of the following outcomes:

  • Next level of leadership through improved communication, vulnerability, and resilience.

  • Enhanced executive presence, strategic mindset, and confidence.

  • Increased courage and resilience to tackle your day-to-day challenges, learn from setbacks, and continue to grow.

  • Increased ability to connect with others – both professionally and personally.

  • Increased clarity surrounding your wishes/desires/purpose.

  • Improving one or more of your streams of intelligence: cognitive, emotional, somatic, spiritual, or relational.

  • Enhanced self-awareness with improved ability to self-generate solutions.

Recent coaching assignments include:

  • Head of Global e-Commerce at a $1bn global nutrition company increases emotional intelligence, improves communication skills, and strengthens his abilities to lead his team.

  • VP of Finance & Accounting at a $1bn global nutrition company improves executive presence, strengthens communication skills, and develops strategic oversight of her department

  • Second-time Founder & CEO restores confidence in her leadership and develops a greater ability to inspire her team.

  • Founder / CEO of fast-growing social entrepreneur-led nonprofit addresses exhaustion & burnout, improves communication, and strengthens self-awareness of his impact on his team.

  • Newly promoted mid-level manager overcomes imposter syndrome, improves communication skills, and learns how to best support her team.

“I loved Jayson's coaching structure. In each session, he held space for me to bring issues… but also prepared some activities & powerful questions to further my coaching plan and outcomes. He uses his intuition to explore an issue more deeply, which would usually yield an "ah-ha" or awareness that was new to me and caused a shift in my perspective, behavior, and ultimately, results.”

Enneagram for Leaders & Teams

As a certified Enneagram coach and facilitator, I leverage this incredibly deep and transformative tool to support individuals and teams on their leadership & personal growth paths. I have received certifications from two world renown global Enneagram schools: Integrative Enneagram Solutions (iEQ9) and the Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy, and have helped several hundred individuals and over a dozen teams around the world deepen their understanding of self and others through the Enneagram.

For Individuals

Enneagram personality type mapping can be an incredible tool for self-discovery and growth, as well as a foundation for improving communication. Using a combination of assessments and in-person discussion, I can help you discover your enneatype as well as potential areas for growth and exploration. This can be done in a short series of conversations or part of a longer coaching relationship. I also facilitate couple’s assessment and conversations for those who want to use the Enneagram to deepen their relationships.

For Teams

Working first with each individual to determine their type, I then facilitate an interactive session to build a team's understanding of how to use the Enneagram to increase their awareness of each member's superpowers, core needs, and growth areas. Through an in-person of virtual workshop or series, I help unearth these hidden truths and use them to build more curiosity, compassion, and camaraderie. The end result is increased communication, heightened connection, and improved team effectiveness.

Individuals and teams can expect some of the following outcomes:

  • Increased self-awareness on strengths and challenge areas

  • Enhanced understanding of one’s own default tendencies and reactions

  • Greater curiosity for colleagues’ behaviors and styles 

  • Appreciation for teammembers’ innate gifts & contributions

  • Language to unpack conflict or communication challenges within teams

  • Individual practices to improve growth areas

“This workshop was really eye opening – both for me, individually, and for how I relate to and understand my colleagues with whom I took the workshop. It's only been a few weeks but I am already much more aware of some of my strengths and some of my 'watch outs' – and I think continued awareness will only further strengthen my abilities to relate empathetically and productively to my colleagues.”
– Director at Living Goods

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Strengthening Components of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is proven to be a key component of effective leadership. I work with individuals and teams to improve their understanding of what emotional intelligence really means and to begin embodying practices that support the building of these skills.

Services include:

  1. group presentations/workshops on the components of emotional intelligence;

  2. general and individualized practices for building emotional intelligence of individuals and teams;

  3. interactive workshops on improving listening, asking more powerful questions, navigating conflict and difficult/challenging conversations, and influencing others.

“[Navigating Challenging Conversations was] one of the best, if not the best,
most relevant training I have had at First Place for Youth as a manager.”

‘Loved the handouts and usefulness of the information presented!
Jayson's style was engaging and informative.”

Group Coaching Circles

Coaching Circles®

Leadership takes practice. Coaching Circles® are a safe, space for small groups of rising talent to hone their emotional intellegence and their leasdership through exploring real-life challenges and complexities of their roles. Through guided facilitation and peer learning, members practice the skills to be a more empathetic, open, creative and supportive leader, and get practical support on issues that are arising in their world.

Circles can also seed the creation of peer leadership community to foster resliance and increased satisfaction. 

Expected Outcomes from a Circle include:

  • Increased ability to slow down to invite authentic connection 

  • Enhanced listening to support others in feeling heard

  • A stronger repertoire of powerful questions to strengthen relationship and invite new ideas

  • Increased capacity to elicit creative and out-of-the-box solutions

  • Improved language to unpack conflict, 
    tensions or communication challenges

  • Increased feeling of support and belonging in their role

    Coaching Circles® is a registered trademark of Impact Coaching Inc. and is used with permission from the owner.

“Coaching Circles has been incredibly helpful as I navigate my own transition of leadership. Having the insight of out of org colleagues, has challenged me to think through difficult conversations/situations and be able to take a stronger and substantial approach.”
– Executive Director of a nonprofit & Venture Leadership Academy Alumni

Other Services


I design and facilitate sessions for teams as well as cohort groups. Topics have included: conflict resolution and navigating the way forward, building tribe/community, bringing vulnerability and deepening connection, examining power & privilege, and using the Enneagram in teams (see above).


Designed to support executives, emerging leaders, new board members, I combine strategic and tactical mentoring with elements of coaching. Working with the organizational lead and the client to be coached, we co-create a set up personal and professional objectives that will support the client’s continued growth in their role. From there, the client and I interweave brainstorming and advice regarding work deliverables with interpersonal coaching development.